Marathon Training Beginner Blog

When is the best day to do your long run?

[fa icon="calendar"] Feb 8, 2017 7:39:46 PM / by Mary Bristow

Mary Bristow

When is the best day to do your long run

There will be various theories as to which day should be dedicated to your long run. But there is only one golden rule in marathon training and that is: get your long run in no matter what. A lot goes into your long run, anything from which route to plan, what gels to test, what gear to wear, weather condition, and also what to eat in preparation of this long run. Let's not forget also the important role your long run has in preparing your body and mind for race day. 

Weekends are for long runs usually

So, when is the best day to do your long run? Most runner's seem to have a preference to schedule this run during the weekend, and some will be able to get their long runs in during the week. However, considering you might be juggling many roles in your day to day life, and taking into account that this is your first time training for a marathon, we want you to consider booking the next weekends until race day as your holy long run days. Whether your day of choice is Saturday or Sunday is entirely up to you but here are a few things you might want to consider when making up your mind:

Select a day and commit to it

Whether you pick Saturday or Sunday is up to you. However, once you've set your mind to it, stick to it. One of the major pitfalls in marathon training is when you start to bargain with your training schedule in order to try and accommodate social events, or have a sneaky cheat day. A marathon takes a whole lot of determination and commitment, and sticking to your long run day is key in ensuring you will cover the kilometers or miles ahead and increase your chances of actually finishing the marathon! And after-all, your mamma didn't race no quitter!

Fridays are for fun usually

Afterwork drinks with your mates, birthday gatherings, or simply going home and binging on your favorite series are often a thing of Fridays. This will mean that Saturdays might be complicated when trying to get up early and getting your run in. Let's also not forget, nutrition. When preparing for your long run you need to make sure you're eating smart. Afterwork and dinner with friends will mean you are potentially having a beer here and there and also eating stuff that will not benefit your long run the next day. The days before your long run have to be centered around proper nutrition. This is why, for me personally, my Fridays are for fun and rest, and my Saturdays are for prepping for my Sunday long run day.

Dreaded Monday versus Epic Monday

Okay, I don't want to push you to team Sunday long run day. I'm honestly giving you ideas for you to make up your mind. Getting your long run in on a Sunday, which usually means most people are chilling at home and preparing for the long week ahead, means your chances of social gatherings are quite limited. Most people are in the 'dreading Monday' mode, while you are out there getting your miles in with a smile. This action of running those long hours means you're limiting your chances of suffering from the dreaded Monday syndrome while significantly increasing your probability of having an Epic Monday. The sheer sense of accomplishment from having your long run in, followed by a spa session at the gym, and being tired afterwards, will help you get a great night sleep and have you fresh (although potentially achy) come Monday morning. And if you're anything like me, I promise you those DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) will have you feeling like an elite athlete! Ha! Take that work mates!


Have you seen our blogpost about running routes and long races in Ireland? Read it here


We've made a pre and post long run nutritional plan for you to try on your next long run! So no need to worry about what to eat, just follow the link below and start eating smart. 

Get your pre & post long run nutritional plan


Topics: Training

Mary Bristow

Written by Mary Bristow

Running coach

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