Marathon Training Beginner Blog

Marathon training for busy people!

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 11, 2019 5:49:52 PM / by Denise Mathiasen

Denise Mathiasen


So you signed up for your first marathon! Congratulations and be ready to take part in an experience that's bound to put you to the test. You're probably wondering how you're going to find the time to train for a marathon while holding a full time job. I mean, is marathon training for busy people even possible? Like you, many beginner runners have succesfully trained for their first marathon while holding various responsibilities. Whether it be a full time job, parenting, keeping track of your social life, or all of the above, training for a marathon demands a lot of focus, determination, and grind. But in the end it's all worth it! Here are 5 tips that will help you squeeze in valuable training hours in your busy schedule:



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